Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: painting female love

The "In bed" series

As you can see in the images above, all these paintings depict two women sharing a moment of intimacy in bed. This series of paintings was produced by one of the most interesting and original painters of 19th-century Europe: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.

As for most of Lautrec’s works the colors are very vibrant. Furthermore, the visible paint strokes create a very appealing effect and a sketchy look.

The historical period and the artist

Before diving in my opinion of these works I would like to quickly introduce you to the historical period: la Belle Epoque.

La Belle Epoque

Just before the First World War Europe lived a period of peace and great renovations. Even though workers had to live in terrible conditions and working hours, the bourgeoise had become wealthier and enjoyed the new entertainment brought by technology. With the use of electricity Parisian streets became crowded at night with intellectuals and middle-class people striving to be carefree. Famously, many artists and intellectuals gathered together in places like the Moulin Rouge, where they could have a few drinks, and watch women dancing. 

Some of the most important artists and architects of this period were Guimard (who designed the entrances to the tube in Paris), Victor Horta, Gustav Klimt and a group of artists who became known as the post-impressionists. Maybe their names will probably ring a few bells: Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Seurat and, of course, Toulouse-Lautrec. All of them had been heavily influenced by the impressionists at the beginning of their careers, but later discovered and created a more personal painting style.

Henri de Tolouse-Lautrec

In brief, he is notorious for his depictions of Montmartre and Parisian nightlife. What’s more, he usually painted with a very innovative style, using expressive, free lines and a great deal of simplification. We can see in this poster that he designed for the Moulin Rouge his linear style.

During his short lifetime (he sadly died at only 36 years old because of alcoholism and syphilis), he wasn’t recognised as the great artist he was by his contemporaries who were still too attached to canonic beauty standards and weren’t ready for the avanguards of the 20th century.

Self-portrait in front of a mirror by Henri de Toulouse Lautrec 1882 Oil on cardboard 40.5 × 32.5 cm

My personal experience with these paintings

When I look at this painting, I can’t help but feel pity for those women who lived in a world where men sexualized them and all they could do to provide for themselves was work for these brothels. I don’t know if the women depicted had a romantic affair, but when I see them, I see the intimate relationship of people who have nothing else in the world. Think about working with a new client every night, possibly men who thought of them as instruments for their pleasure, and finally feeling the delicate caress of someone who sees them as who they are and understands what they’re going through.

In bed by Henri de Tolouse-Lautrec
In bed by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1892 Oil on cardboard 54 x 70.5 cm

I feel a sort of melancholia looking at this painting and the tender affection depicted. It is heartwarming to be able to look at such a tender moment of union between two human beings.

In bed the Kiss by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
In bed-the kiss by Henri de Tolouse-Lautrec 1892-1893 70 x 54 cm

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